Proverbs five; the adulterous bride.

Today's Proverbs chapter is a very interesting one. I think it is so very easy to read this chapter and decide that there isn't much application here for many of us. Many women will read this chapter and decide that most of the verses don't  apply to them. But I think with a bit of perspective we can apply these verses to each of us.
When we become believers we all are then a part of the Church. As the Church we are Christ's bride. This picture is to me, one of the most beautiful pictures in the Bible. It is very comforting to know that He is our bridegroom. There is nothing lacking in our relationship from His side.
It is our side of the relationship that needs to be examined.
When we take our relationship with Jesus so lightly that other things are always at the front of our mind, we become the adulterous bride. Often, before we realize it has even happened we have wandered aimlessly. Too easily we allow the glitz and glamour of this world become our aspirations. We forget our purpose. Giving no thought to our lives, we wonder why we feel a longing.
When I consider how much Jesus truly loves me, just what He has done to prepare for this relationship, I find it hard to allow myself to wander far from Him. I must be more thoughtful towards Him. To what our relationship could be. He was not content to give me His second best- He deserves the same consideration from me that He gives to me.
I do not want to look back at the end of my life and see wandering footprints. I want to see purposeful footprints that lead directly to my bridegroom.

What things have led you astray? What can you do to refocus your footsteps today?


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