Romans12 Proverbs Project
Hi there! I'm so excited You are here! This has really been a long time coming, but I didn't even realize it until recently just how long this seed has been growing. God is incredible. His timing is ALWAYS perfect!
As a brand new believer I came across Romans 12:1-2 and it immediately became my favorite verse. 15 years later it is still my favorite verse!
12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
To me these two verses pretty much sum up what God wants of me. What this whole thing of being a Christian is all about. Letting my whole life be about worshiping Him. Coming to that understanding that worshiping Him isn't and doesn't have to just be singing to Him, or reading His word, or being in prayer, but that every thought- every action can be an act of worship.
To me these two verses pretty much sum up what God wants of me. What this whole thing of being a Christian is all about. Letting my whole life be about worshiping Him. Coming to that understanding that worshiping Him isn't and doesn't have to just be singing to Him, or reading His word, or being in prayer, but that every thought- every action can be an act of worship.
So much of my Christian life has been seeking what Gods will is. Romans 12 tells us that in order to know what God's will is we must be renewed by the transformation of our mind. But how? I try to change my mind time and again and find myself falling into old patterns.
As Paul says in Romans 7:15-17
" I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me."
I continually find myself conforming to the pattern of this world. So often it is not until I begin to feel the effects of choices that I've made that I come to understand that they were worldly conformed choices.
Everyday I am bombarded by the world and it's pattern. How then can I hope to make wise choices? Choices that would align with God's will for my decisions. As I pondered the fact that only God's holy Word has the power to transform my mind I was reminded of advice I received as a new believer. Advice that I have very frequently passed on to people telling me how they've fallen out of the habit of daily reading.
The advice given to me was to begin to create a daily reading habit by reading a chapter of Proverbs each day. Each chapter is short, typically simple to understand, and also very easy to apply. Proverbs also happens to have a chapter for each day of the month.
I'm interested to see just how transformative this simple book can be in the life of a person if read and applied every day for a year.
The project simply, is to read one chapter each morning corresponding to the date of the month for a year. Once daily reading becomes a habit, move to memorizing a verse or two each day from the proverbs chapter. Hiding God's word in our hearts can and will transform our minds. Being intentional about not conforming to the pattern of this world will bring Him glory.
Ultimately, we are to be doers of the word and not just hearers. At some point, daily reading and scripture memorization should move into finding a verse or two that you will commit to put into action from each days reading.
Record how this all begins to transform you, how you become a daily living sacrifice as your spiritual act of worship so that you can show others what God has been doing. Show others the Power of God in your life. Lead others to the knowledge that it is God who does the transforming and not us "deciding" we can do this.
Join myself and hopefully many others, as we decide to apply God's word to our daily lives over the next year-and beyond.
Whatever the date is today begin by reading this dates chapter in Proverbs. So if today is May 28th ; you would begin with Proverbs 28. Each day you will be reading the chapter that corresponds to that date. If you happen to miss a day or a few here and there- you will just pick back up with the chapter of that date when you begin again. Then continue each day. Beginning anew with Proverbs 1 on the 1st of each month. I'm confident that each time you read a chapter again you will find different verses reaching you.
I will send out a reminder each day just in case it slips your mind😉.
For myself I will be recording 3 separate types of verses from each chapter everyday.
1. A comforting verse
2. A challenging verse
3. An action verse
My goal will be each day to memorize one or all three verses.
My goal will be each day to memorize one or all three verses.
For example if today was Proverbs 24 :
1. comfort verse: v 14 " know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."
2. Challenge verse: v17-18 " Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him."
3. Action verse: v26 " An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips"
With my action verse today I will be intentional to only give completely honest answers. No flattery. No talking around a subject. I will practice speaking only what God would have me say. I'll probably not be talking so much today.😊
I hope you will commit to being more intentional to not conform to the pattern of this world. I'd like to stop trying to transform my thought patterns in my own power. Let's see just how powerful the book of Proverbs can be when we practice what it teaches.
Feel free to forward this project on to anyone you'd like to. Let's share the power of God's transforming Word with as many people as we can.
If you're in I'd like to know, so I can encourage and spur you on. So let me know if you're joining me!
In His Grip,
Beke Rios
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