Eyes and ears- no mouth? Proverbs 20

After reading through Proverbs 20 today I found myself coming back to this verse. I found it interesting that ears and hearing are mentioned and eyes and seeing are mentioned, but not the mouth and speaking. I began to think about this wisdom being pointed to out to us. Just today I had three different instances of people sharing their hearts with me over someone hurting them with words. My heart broke for each of these people who had been hurt by someone else's words. I can't imagine that God would have wanted them hurt in this way.
In two of the scenarios I don't think that the person who used their words unwisely intended to hurt the other person. Yet, that is what can happen when we use our words unwisely. When we are too quick to speak without first seeing the person across from us or hearing where they are or what they may need from us. How often do we hear someone without listening to that person? Too often.

The photo backdrop for the verse I chose  today is from something called silent sounds. It is a period of time where the students from our church spent thirty minutes with God on the beach. Reading His word and listening for His voice. Not speaking themselves.  It was powerful to witness almost three thousand teens quieting themselves so that they could hear from God. 

How different would many of our conversations be throughout the day if we would simply quiet ourselves and listen to what God is trying to tell us. After reading this verse , I believe God is telling us that our conversations would be very different. How many hearts would be protected from hurt if our words were more intentionally His instead of from our flesh? Let's be more mindful to use  our eyes and ears in our relationships before we use our mouths. 


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