Guarding instruction Proverbs 4

I don't know about you, but one of my biggest struggles has always been with authority. I have always pushed back against someone telling me what to do. When I was younger I pushed that to the point of idiocy. Without going into too much detail, I'll say that I made decisions in high school that I feel still affect me today. So much so, that when I came across this verse I think I may have blushed just a bit. The sting of embarrassment is still there. That is not to say that God doesn't or can't still use me. Graciously, He has chosen to redeem me. I'll never know if some parts of my life would look differently today if I had not chosen to take such strong stands against authority in my life.
I do believe that the really big parts of my life would look the same. But I believe that what may be different is how quickly I am able to yield to what God is calling me to do.
I love God with all my heart. I appreciate so much all of the lessons He has allowed me to learn. I am thankful that He gives me space to decide to agree with Him instead of just flat out smashing me when I don't.
Some of you know that I've been talking about being called to do something like this blog for almost two years now. Two years. That is a long time to decide to follow through. I know that God was instructing me to do something to point others to Him. I know that He had given me the desire to share what He does for me on a daily basis. I let go of that. I'll never know what today would look like for me had I began this two years ago. I do know that today looks different than my days looked just two weeks ago. I'm praying that I can carry this forward. That you will carry this daily reading forward as well.
This is our life. God gives us instruction everyday. He does not leave us to do this alone. We decide if we are going to guard the instruction and use it for a benefit or if we will just let it go and have to wonder what if we hadn't.

What have you been pushing back against? What steps can you take today to guard His instructions for your life? Let me know in the comments if there is some way I can be praying for you in this area.


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